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How to Make Chemistry Fun and Engaging

Whether it is a school classroom or college studies, higher education chemistry has always been challenging for students to understand. Whether we talk about the mole concept, thermodynamics, or organic chemistry, sophisticated chemical studies are always a tedious job to learn. However, there are certain effective tips and tricks to make the chemistry engaging and fun to learn.

We know that there are different experiments and complicated modules are involved in the subject. But several interactive pedagogical tools are available that foster the higher imagination level of learners and make chemistry a fun loving subject. Let us decode how to make the subject interesting.

4 Tips to make the chemistry a fun loving subject

1.      Video tutorials

Animated videos, simulation based learning materials, and live chemistry lectures through online means are a few effective learning tools that ensure higher learning outcomes. Even several researches show that these video tutorials have more knowledge retention rate. That is why videos on chemistry modules should be introduced in classroom sessions.

Very good examples we have witnessed amid this pandemic concerns as well. Several educational institutions used this learning approach to bridge the learning gap and impart quality knowledge. However, if students are planning to use video solutions for their individual studies, there are plenty of options available on the internet. No matter which module you are looking for, free and paid videos are available. Just have a look at them!

2.      Prepare a group based activity.

One learning activity that is widely missed during this pandemic is social interaction. Students love to interact amongst learning peers. So, as many schools are reopening in current times, they have an excellent opportunity to make the most of this learning activity. Make some groups of learners and provide them tasks based on activities.

The more they interact, the more they learn. They will even understand basic skills, chemical formulas, and vital chemistry concepts. Also, to engage groups, one more learning method is helpful, which is blended learning programs. Using online and in-person learning activities will motivate them to learn more and acquire more knowledge.

​3.     Do some demos

Science is a practical subject that deals with experiments and practical applications. So, whether it is about teaching the normality formula or qualitative analysis, practical studies are a must. Therefore, giving demos is the best solution that students also easily understand. For instance, if you want to learn about the reaction of sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Then, take a test tube with some amount of sulphuric acid and add sodium hydroxide. So, what is the final solution that you get? It is the sodium sulphate and the water. Likewise, learn other important reactions that are important from the examination point of view. If physical laboratories are not available for learning, try out virtual laboratories. Even they have some kind of apparatus and tools to learn. Only the difference is that virtual labs are accessible on PCs and other screen devices. But they are a good option for remote learning purposes.

4.      Make some worksheets

Digital and print worksheets are available. These worksheets contain interactive exercises like puzzles, quizzes, and games. Besides, these worksheets contain proper illustrations of every chemistry chapter and module.  Remember that these engaging worksheets are easy to learn, and it motivates students to solve more questions.

The more questions they solve, the more they will understand concepts and learn chemistry. That is why schools must introduce worksheets as well in their curriculum. For individuals, there are worksheets available of every topic and chapter that are important from an academic perspective. Just purchase them and start your preparations early!

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